Monday, June 11, 2007

We won People's Choice!

At the poster session for the NMC conference we won an award for People's Choice. We were too busy to get many good photos, but here is what we have. You can see pictures other people took by going to flickr and searching the term nmc2007.

Thanks everyone who voted for us and for all the great conversations about the poster and the ideas. It was really fun and I look forward to doing something like this again (after I have about a year's-worth of sleep!)


Dezra said...

First of all, you and Ben out did yourself and deserve that award! It is a testament from the people that we need more sideways thinking!

Second of all, I went to the Flickr pages of NMC2007 photos and was thoroughly entranced. I have lived in Indianapolis for a LONG time and have become jaded to our lovely city (I can't believe I'm calling it lovely!). It was an eyeopener for me to see what out-of-towners thought was photo-worthy. The Slippery Noodle shingle? Dunaways? IUPUI's Room 152? The chalkmarks on the sidewalk directing NMC to the IT building? The hamster tunnels between buildings? I LOVED seeing what others found interesting in our city.

I'm going to use this as a jumping off point to go through my own photos of Indianapolis and see what it is that I've taken photos of. Specifically, downtown photos. What have I considered photo worthy? This intrigues me!

cuddle xombi said...

that is the worst picture of Ben I've ever seen in my life

spyroterra said...

That is because the poor guy hadn't slept for a good long while and we had to carry the refrigerator up a flight of stairs!!! And we were getting ready to take it back down the stairs right then. Good times!