Here are the bare bones of a summary of what I think makes this whole idea work. This is just my take on it and I want everyone to help shape it. I am posting it here because I want it to be accessible to everyone. As the class whittles it into shape I will post our findings. I am sure there are things I have forgotten to list, and the presentation of this is absolutely not creative. Together we can create something interesting that will remind us each of the journey we have taken this summer...
Sideways Roadmap
The point of seeing sideways is to become free and more creative; to solve problems and communicate in new and interesting ways.
Roadblocks to creativity:
fear, failure, ridicule, deadlines, boredom, clients, acceptance, money, habits, skills, structure (too much), not enough focus, reality, believability, commercial considerations, time, unrealistic demands, expectations, usability, preconceived notions, propriety, copyright, access to a stimulating environment...
Creativity thrives on:
freedom, time, humor, emotion, storytelling, play, visual acuity, comfort, curiosity, problem-solving, practice, inspiration, imagination, letting go of reality for a bit, refining, defining, dreaming, questioning, point-of-view, surprise, wonder, suspension of disbelief, stimulation, thinking...
· Take an everyday object and do something unexpected with it
· Use your senses in new ways
· Ask big questions that are emotion-charged
· Ask 50 “What if...?” questions
· Answer (as much as you can) one “What if...?” question that was asked by someone else
· IMA fieldtrip
· Research someone practicing in the field of new media
· Take a stab at coming up with a sideways project of your own
· Carve out a 3-hour block of "play" time where you only follow your bliss and forget everything else and then question your project to see if it helped loosen your idea a bit
· Helping to create this roadmap
· Discussions
· Blogging and e-mails
· What the bleep...
· Art 21
· Rivers and Tides
· Sharing personal projects and stories
· Star Wars Tech
· Various CBS Sunday Morning News segments
· Looking at unusual websites
· Look for a theme or “hook” that you can build on
· Your own personal experiences
· Chat room and e-mails
· Discussions
· Suggested movie list
· Suggested readings and required texts
· IMA fieldtrip
· Research someone practicing in the field of new media
· NMC poster process
· Dissection of some of my projects and discussing the obstacles and solutions