Friday, February 26, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm not the only one...

Apparently others believe that pushing yourself and believing your ideas will work and not judging yourself can lead to good things. Come on! Let's all see sideways together! Um... OK... but this is still a neat video.

Groovy bird...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Circle question

Seriously, besides a circle, are there any other perfectly geometrical shapes that occur in nature?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

Here is the exact progression of a poem I just wrote...

silent thoughts
thunder through space
between bits and bytes
of cyber junk
drowned in a downpour
of anonymous need

a binary lullaby
in search of
an insomniac junkie
who yearns
for just one more


binary lullaby

tantalizes and teases

throbbing light
echoes on the wall

the heartbeat of the machine

social networks
hang silent
in the predawn light

in the distance
a rooster calls

thoughts click out
great and small

a lonely cybernaut
seeks companionship

emotions hang
on the edge of a comment

i am here
is anyone there

machine and human
have become one


21st century lullaby

social networks
hang silent

cyber chat stalls
in the predawn light

in the distance
a rooster calls

thoughts click out
great and small

seeds of contact
soundlessly planted

will the comment grow
or wither and die

a lonely cybernaut
seeks companionship

emotions hang
on the edge of a comment

i am here
is anyone there


"21st century lullaby"

social networks
hang silent
in the predawn night
pregnant with possibility
yet sterile with blight

viagra and jokes
dance with exotic kings
and promises of riches
spam through new media
rich and ripe
with unlimited tripe

the lumbering giant
as the sycophant roars
and dreams flee away
to creep in the night
and blissful repose is a
no more

in the distance
a rooster calls

random thoughts form
into secret code messages
aligning and combining
into a new form
of human minutia
so trivial yet vital
this chatter has inertia
and for every comment
there is an equal but
opposite thought

seeds of contact
are silently planted
in this vast new garden
of unearthly delights
and someone is wondering
if this time the comment
will grow and be strong
or wither and die
on this twitterpated
masticated tweet-loving vine

why did i say that
(i has regret)
who will respond
(i hope not a troll)
should i delete it
(iWant to be sure)
how much is too much
:-) or ;-) or maybe just :)
oh can this go on

a somnambulant cybernaut
seeks companions
in the lonely hour
where bff's and lmao's
are nothing more
than tantalizing dreams
as elusive as sleep
and real emotions hang
on the edge of a comment

i am here

is anyone there


Monday, February 8, 2010


Here is a great take on circles:

So what is a circle?

Why to they capture our imaginations? Why are crop designs circles? What is the mythology behind a circle? How do you encounter circles on a daily basis? What does a circle mean to you?

How can circles be used in New Media? Have you ever used an iPod? How does it deal with circles?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Interesting group

I returned to classes yesterday after my medical hiatus only to discover a fabulous group of interesting people in this semester's Seeing Sideways class! I have to admit that discussion meandered quite a bit and there was not exactly a consistent theme it was a good bonding experience. I think this group will be able to discuss some very interesting, very important topics and I feel confident that each person will be able to shape the course to his/her own needs and goals.

While I don't know every person in the class yet, I did make some interesting observations. We have a creative writing major joining us. I think that will add an interesting spice to the group. We also have a person who was not even in the class join us! She was in the inaugural session of Seeing Sideways and although she passed the class with flying colors she just can't seem to stop coming to this class! :-)

All hail the mighty sanguine *new color - woot!* coke can!
Image wantonly stolen from the web...